Some stronger skill moves cost the whole two action points to use. Movement can either consume one action point or two depending on how far you want to move. You play on an isometric grid and your movement and skills come at the cost of action points which each character always has 2. You are given a nicely drawn intro followed by a decent tutorial of how the game is played. So Aurora then sets up her expedition to rescue her father’s expedition and that is where you must decide the outcome. The first party sent contains Aurora’s father and it is discovered they are captured by the goblins. The followers of Tannah-Toh are sent to scout the city to recover what elven knowledge is left. The goblins have captured the elven princess and taken over the city and slaughtered the elves. News that the Elven city Lennorian has been sacked and overrun by the goblins the elves once coexisted with but were since warring with after they were banished, has reached other lands.

Their followers are often sent on dangerous quests/pilgrimages to recover lost knowledge.

They focus on history and magical artifacts but are about sharing knowledge and wisdom. The Story centres around Aurora who is a devout follower of the god Tanah-Toh. I am a big fan of tactics based games from the highly tricky Xcom to lengthy final fantasy tactics and this resembles a lighter version of the latter. Having played a few other 1C titles like Fell Seal which I loved, Deep sky derelicts which was ok and Kings Bounty 2 which I didn’t get on with I was intrigued to see this offering. Developed by 40 Giants Entertainment and Published by 1C Online Games 505, Reverie Knights Tactics is the new strategy RPG on the block.